Coryell At Eleven (Larry Coryell Tribute)
Coryell At Eleven
BendingCorner's kozmigroov tribute to jazz guitar master - Larry Coryell. This set explores the heavier (to 11) side of Coryell as a leader and sideman.
64 minutes | download-n-play | comments
  1. Gary Burton Quartet - One, Two, 1,2,3,4
    (from: Duster | 1967)
  2. Larry Coryell - Stiff Neck
    (from: Lady Coryell | 1968)
  3. Larry Coryell - Spaces (Infinite)
    (from: Spaces | 1970)
  4. Larry Coryell - Call To The Higher Consciousness
    (from: Barefoot Bou | 1972)
  5. Larry Coryell - Scottland 1
    (from: Offering | 1972)
  6. The Eleventh House - Low-Lee Tah
    (from: The Eleventh House | 1974)
  7. Wolfgang Dauner - Yin
    (from: Knirsch | 1972)
  8. The Eleventh House - The Funky Waltz
    (from: The Eleventh House | 1974)
  9. Larry Coryell - Cover Girl
    (from: Planet End | 1975)
  10. The Eleventh House - Kowloon Jag
    (from: Aspects | 1976)
  11. The Eleventh House - Level One
    (from: Level One | 1975)

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